Revive DTS
YWAM Nelson 248 Wakapuaka Road, Wakapuaka, NelsonYWAM Nelson are excited to invite you to join the Revive Discipleship Training School (DTS) commencing September 2023! Highly desirable for those who are seeking spiritual renewal, inspiration, or a new direction in life. Come know our God… and make Him known!
Christmas With Equippers
Carols and Family Fun! Sunday 17th December 10am- 1.30pm Carols, Christmas message, giveaways, free sausage sizzle, bouncy castles, face painting and outdoor fun Nayland Primary School, 225 Nayland Road Stoke
Victory Christmas
Victory Square Victory Square, NelsonIt's almost Christmas!! Join us as different churches & charities gather together to bring you a pretty epic day at Victory Square! Bring your picnic blanket or something to sit on and enjoy stories of hope and some great live music from local musicians. Live music, free food, spiritual wellness tents, balloons, face paints, bouncy…